четверг, 27 февраля 2020 г.


Type in "lspci" and post the output here. The only ugliness I see is that Atheros has not released any Linux drivers for their hardware. I only have a wireless connection. So that could giff the answer to all problems. What ever am I to do? The specs of the laptops are 1.
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You could possibly spend more on aspirin over the life of the Atheros chipset using it with Ubuntu than the cost of a decent Intel card. The solution provides leading The Eee PC has non-working wireless out of the box.

Atheros 802.11a/bg PCI/PCI-E devices (ath5k)

Atheros card works fine [not sure about Intrepid]! So Boys and Girls maby there is the solution to tge problems. September 28th, 6. For all who have this wireless card, there is a new Hardware Access Layer in development that has AR support.

Once I do, the wlan stops working again. If that doesn't give you something named Atheros, athefos don't have an Atheros card. I failed to mention my other findings on the atheros wireless.

Elaborate on this as much as possible. Patches patch for madwifi-hal On Wed, Feb 27, at 9: If you have an Atheros device ayheros does not work with madwifi, you will want to install the linux-backports -modules- intrepid- generic package, which includes an updated version of the ath5k driver.

I did not install it, I just run it from a live-usb. I don't know if this issue makes the patch unacceptable as something that could get into Atherros l-r-m package, even if only the i architecture binary.

I know this driver's in a pretty ugly situation, but is there any chance of it getting into xtheros Hardy release perhaps as an 'alternate" version of the package? But when you posted that, were you using your Ethernet or Wireless?

Atheros AR wireless with madwifi on Ubuntu (Hardy heron) | Ubuntu Geek

I put it in my home directory and made it executable via sudo chmod redo-wifi Now, when I do a kernel patch from my regular updates to Ubuntu 8. Originally Posted by kdogg69er i am using wireless, i use a laptop.

Results 1 to 10 of They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you ahheros encouraged to try out things on your own. Your email address will not be published. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?

[SOLVED] Atheros AR b/g,, wont work on linux

I have tried the Atheros AR wireless with madwifi on Ubuntu 8. Same bug on a fujitsu siemens here. It has been tested and uuntu successful on numerous bit systems.

Roderic Jones rodericj wrote on I have Installed Ubuntu hardy Heron on my compaq c presario Laptop as a virtual machine I only have a wireless connection.

Disregard the above message it is incorrect it's a PCI type problem. Are you new to LinuxQuestions. Your driver requires firmware that is missing: You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. Srikrishna Das srikrishna wrote on Below is the text of this simple ar50007.

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